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Technical and economic feasibility studies for agricultural production and industrialization projects

GIG provides technical and economic feasibility studies services for all investment projects in agricultural production and processing; and the most important:

Technical and economic feasibility studies for investment projects in agricultural production and processing; As projects: agro-food industries, fruit jams, sauces, production and packaging of dates, production and packaging of olive oil, production and packaging of healthy drinking water, production of natural health foods, manufacture of various types of fodder, feasibility studies for projects of agricultural machinery, tools and mechanization, and projects of marketing agricultural products and medicinal plants. Aromatic,Projects for cooling and preservation of agricultural products, production of seeds, seeds and agricultural nurseries, production projects for protected farms, public and home garden planning projects, projects for manufacturing harmful pest control materials and insecticides, soil and water analysis projects, grain and cereal milling projects, projects for the manufacture and production of vegetable oils of various kinds, And projects for reclamation and cultivation of desert lands and wastelands ... and other technical and economic feasibility studies for agricultural investment projects.


Technical and economic feasibility studies for agricultural production and industrialization projects

  • Technical and economic feasibility studies for agricultural production and industrialization projects
5 Days Delivery 3 Time Revisions
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