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GIG works to provide many distinguished comprehensive real estate services in Turkey, the Gulf countries, and many countries of the world; We are very keen to support our clients' investment decisions in the real estate field, which is the most active sector in the investment field in many countries.

GIG provides real estate marketing services, real estate management, participation and auction management, real estate brokerage, and real estate consultancy.

GIG markets your property, providing you with a wide range of communication with buyers, getting the best offers, and the best deals for both parties.

The GIG team of experienced experts and consultants works to assist you in marketing and real estate valuation by providing a professional opinion on the fair estimated value of the properties that our clients request to appraise or market .. We guarantee to provide you with the best, most reliable and safe services, thanks to God Almighty Among the most prominent services we provide:

1 - Real Estate Marketing.

2 - Real estate valuation, inheritance liquidation and judicial liquidation.

3 - Management of properties and real estate units.

4 - Real Estate Brokerage

5- Managing and supervising real estate auctions.

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Real estate consultancy and experience

Real estate consultancy and experience Among the services provided by GIG is the service (expertise and real estate consultancy); Expertise and...

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Real estate brokerage

Real estate brokerage  Among the services provided by GIG is the (real estate brokerage) service in buying and selling real estate...

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Asset and property management

Asset and property management Among the services provided by GIG is the property and real estate asset management service; And to...

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Real estate valuation

Real estate valuationGIG provides its valued customers with the valuation service of all kinds of real estate offered for sale,...

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Real Estate Marketing

Real Estate Marketing It is a service that GIG provides to real estate owners, developers and real estate investors who wish...

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