Corporate zakat and tax services
Zakat is an obligation imposed by God in order to
recommend and develop funds, and to take care of the right
The impoverished poor are rich and affluent, and taxes
are a financial right imposed by states and governments on companies and
individuals as a resource to provide their services to their citizens, and many
investors do not know the criminal legal systems of countries that impose
deterrent penalties for tax evasion .. GIG has a distinguished team of lawyers,
former judges and advisors Certified public accountants have knowledge,
extensive knowledge, experience and extensive knowledge of all tax laws and
legislations, among others.
GIG provides its financial and legal services related to
zakat and tax to companies through:
1 - Calculating zakat for companies.
2 - Good preparation, examination and submission of tax
3 - Plan and prepare tax work and projections thereon;
With the aim of helping customers to rationalize tax burdens.
4- Obtaining tax exemption certificates.
5 - Correct accounting and tax errors.
6 - Submit appeals against tax forms.
7 - Represent clients in committees of appeal and tax
dispute resolution.
8- Providing tax advice and determining financial centers
that help reduce tax liabilities.