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Start From $10

Legal advice service

Legal advice service With the abundance and diversity of life and business areas and their ramifications, the need has become urgent...

Start From $10

Advocacy and defense work (online lawyer)

Advocacy and defense work (online lawyer)  One of the basic services provided by GIG is the legal and defense business (online...

Start From $10

Protection of intellectual property rights and trademarks

Protection of intellectual property rights and trademarks The movement of the large and increasing expansion in international trade increased the need...

Start From $10

Dispute settlement, mediation and arbitration

Dispute settlement, mediation and arbitrationAmong the services provided by GIG (dispute resolution and mediation, commercial and financial arbitration); By a...

Start From $10

Establishment of civil and commercial companies

Establishment of civil and commercial companiesGIG provides the service of establishing and registering civil and commercial companies of all kinds,...

Start From $10

Drafting legal contracts of all kinds

Drafting legal contracts of all kinds Among the legal services that GIG provides to its valued clients: Drafting and designing legal...

Start From $10

Preparing defense notes, defenses and legal challenges

Preparing defense notes, defenses and legal challengesThe GIG team prepares all defense memoranda, defenses and legal appeals, and all work...

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